Use ssdb-cli to connect to a ssdb server.
Export the whole database:
# backup current database into file backup.ssdb
ssdb> export backup.ssdb
Export by key range(interactive mode):
ssdb> export -i backup.ssdb
input KV range[start, end]:
start(inclusive, default none): a
end(inclusive, default none): z
input HASH range:
start(inclusive, default none):
end(inclusive, default none):
input ZSET range:
start(inclusive, default none):
end(inclusive, default none):
input QUEUE range:
start(inclusive, default none):
end(inclusive, default none):
The command export -i backup.ssdb
will export KV in range[a, z], all HASH, ZSET, QUEUE.
# import backup.ssdb into current database
ssdb> import backup.ssdb
Notice The import command will replace existing key(s).
The ssdb-dump
tool is for data backup of a SSDB instance.
./tools/ssdb-dump ip port output_folder
./tools/ssdb-dump 8888 ./output_folder
The output_folder
must not exist, it will be created by ssdb-dump. And there are two folders in it, a data
folder contains data, and an empty folder meta
Copy the folder output_folder
to your server, you may want to rename it. Update your ssdb.conf, point work_dir
to your output_folder
, then restart ssdb-server.