
SSDB supports Redis network protocol, you can use Redis clients to connect to a SSDB server and operate on it. But using SSDB client is the most efficient way.

All SSDB client APIs are binary-compatible, binary is string, string is binary.

There are clients for various languages distributed along with the SSDB source code, these are official clients. Still, there are many clients developped by many developers, also listed here.

The recommended client(s) for a language are marked with a .

If you want your client be listed here, please fork the ssdb-docs repository on GitHub and edit the file. Submit a pull request and you are done.


built-in ideawu Repository This is the official client
cppssdb ironsdu Repository C++ 11 async API client


built-in ideawu Repository This is the official client. see [Cpy](

C# .Net

official ideawu Repository This is the official client


ssdb-erlang kqqsysu Repository Erlang client library for SSDB


official ideawu Repository This is the official client
hissdb Eryx Repository hissdb in lessos/lessgo, supports connection pool.
gossdb seefan Repository From the official client derived from the client, supports the connection pool and set|get, habits and most client consistent.
ssdb wzshiming Repository Clients that derive from the client have a consistent style and support for connection pooling.


official ideawu Repository This is the official client
ssdb4j nutzam Repository Yet another SSDB client for Java
another ssdb4j jbakwd Repository
hydrogen-ssdb yiding-he Repository Supports client-side load-balance
vertx-ssdb DavidQuan Repository Vert.x ssdb client


lua-resty-ssdb LazyZhu Repository Lua ssdb client driver for the ngx_lua based on the cosocket API
DBSS reficull Repository Luajit ssdb client driver based on the cpp API


official ideawu Repository This is the official client
node-ssdb by @hit9 hit9 Repository node-ssdb by @hit9
ssdb-node reanote Repository Based on


built-in ideawu Repository This is the official client
phpssdb jonnywang Repository This is a client written in C as a PHP module for ssdb.


built-in ideawu Repository This is the official client
pyssdb ifduyue Repository A SSDB Client Library for Python
ssdb-py wrongwaycn Repository SSDB Python Client like Redis-Py hit9 Repository SSDB Python Client Library by hit9


ssdb-rb bsm Repository Ruby client library for SSDB


SwiftSSDB kirilltitov Repository Swift client library for SSDB