Download and Install

Deploying SSDB using the Linux operating system.

Do not run SSDB server on Windows system for a production environment. If you wish to stick with Windows system, please run a Linux virtual machine on Windows, and run SSDB server on that Linux.

Compile and Install

wget --no-check-certificate
unzip master
cd ssdb-master
# optional, install ssdb in /usr/local/ssdb
sudo make install

If you want to install ssdb in some other directory other than /usr/local, run like

sudo make install PREFIX=/your/directory

Trouble Shooting

If you see error messages like this:

g++ ...deps/snappy-1.1.0/.libs/libsnappy.a: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [all] Error 1


g++ ...deps/jemalloc-3.3.1/lib/libjemalloc.a: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [all] Error 1

It is because Snappy or Jemalloc is not compiled successfully, maybe your system clock is wrong. Solve it by doing this:

cd deps/snappy-1.1.0;
autoreconf --force --install


cd deps/jemalloc-3.3.1;
autoreconf --force --install

Start and Stop ssdb-server

# start master
./ssdb-server ssdb.conf

# or start as daemon
./ssdb-server -d ssdb.conf

# stop ssdb-server
./ssdb-server ssdb.conf -s stop
# for older version
kill `cat ./var/`

# restart
./ssdb-server ssdb.conf -s restart

By now, you will have to manage the ssdb-server process(es) manually, if you want to set it to start and stop along with the system, follow the instructions below.

SSDB Init Scripts(Auto Startup Along with OS)

Assumming you have installed SSDB under the /usr/local/ssdb folder, put the tools/ script into /etc/init.d directory.

Notice: For CentOS users, rename to ssdb.

Edit the following lines of

# each config file for one instance

Change /data/ssdb_data/test/ssdb.conf to the location of your SSDB config file. If you have more than one SSDB instances, put all config files in one line, separated by spaces:

# each config file for one instance
configs=/data/ssdb_data/test/ssdb.conf /data/ssdb_data/demo/ssdb.conf


sudo chkconfig --add ssdb
sudo chkconfig ssdb on


sudo chmod a+x /etc/init.d/
sudo update-rc.d defaults